Traffic Tango

Sign-up with Traffic Tango today & advertise for FREE!

Driving Real Traffic To Your Ads

Our manual traffic exchange system has been designed for affiliates, online marketers, and website owners that have websites to promote and are in need of some high-quality website traffic. Our manual surfing system will deliver traffic to your websites as long as they have credits allocated to them. Members view other members web pages in order to earn credits to advertise their own websites on the exchange.

With a manual surf timer of no less than 10 seconds for upgraded members, you can rest assured that our manual surfers have enough time to view your websites.

Free Account Overview

  •   Manual surf exchange with a modern surf bar
  •   Fast 30 second timer
  •   Surf & earn 0.5 credits per page view
  •   Surf whenever you want to with no login surfing
  •   100 website credits upon sign-up
  •   250 credits for every referral
  •   500 x banner ad impressions
  •   500 x text ad impressions
  •   Participate in regular contests for great prizes
  •   And so much more!

Give a boost to your online marketing results!
>> Sign-up for FREE today! <<

Manual Surf Traffic Exchange

Driving high-quality traffic to your web pages 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is incredibly easy to get started. Simply sign up for your free account, allocate credits to your websites, and watch the traffic flow. Our manual surf traffic exchange can deliver traffic to your websites around the clock.

Promotional Tools

We have high-quality promotional banners, pre-written text ads, and splash pages for members to use. Our members are also creating downlines for external programs with our fantastic downline builder program.

Banner ad and text ad advertising

Included in your paid membership, you have the option to promote your websites as a banner ad and text ad. Banner ads and text ads can be a more effective way of getting great results for your ads.